UNBOXED: Revolutionize Event Planning with GPTs in Your Spreadsheets!
Let’s face it: spreadsheets are useful, and in event management or marketing, we don’t always get information how we need it. Speaker bios, for example, come in all shapes and sizes or not at all. All of us have spent hours late into the evenings getting the information into the format we would like. Whether that is speaker bios, a seating plan or just a delegate list put into different formats.
In this A Show and Tell of Using GPTs in SpreadSheets, I run through a few use cases of how you can hack the tech for digitising events, and It may just help us win back some of those Zzzzzzzs.
Use Case: More Relevant Speaker Bios
Preparing speaker bios can be tedious, mainly because you get them in all shapes and sizes. Often, valuable information is at the end of the bio, and this can be lost if systems use, say, just the first 100 characters and so on.
But with GPTs in Sheets, it can become a seamless activity. Utilise the “GPT” formula in Google Sheets to direct GPTs to create speaker bios based on tailored prompts. In essence, to your recipe.
In one go, you can apply this to all 20, 60, or 100 speakers at your event, making the bios much more relevant to your target audience.
Use Case: Tailored Social Media and Other Content
As with the example above, we are all tired of generic social media messages created by some tools where we have little control over the content. You can now craft your own prompt and use the speaker bios in the same sheet to give you useful social posts based on your prompt.
These were just some examples. The real opportunity is that with access to CPTs, a lot of those unplanned admin requirements that require data to be changed or augmented can be dealt with quickly. These tasks are usually important but don’t usually add too much value. Handing them off to GPTs frees up time to focus on participant engagement and acquisition for your events.
There are numerous plugins out there. These guys seem to have done the most comprehensive job: https://gptforwork.com/ , but if you are not afraid to copy and paste some code and you work with Google Sheets, you can use what we have done. Check out the links from the original article.
Disclaimer: This overview is our view of how the use of GPTs & AT in spreadsheets can help Event Organizers to Digitising Events by leveraging their digital content as we see it. Any scripts we originated and shared are provided ‘as is, ‘ and we recommend visiting the relevant websites to watch videos and request live demonstrations from a representative. And for the cynics among you, we do not take sponsorship from any tech providers; it allows us to be more impartial.
Originally published at https://www.digitisingevents.com on February 18, 2024.