Connecting Wix to Step-by-Step
Getting this connection to work was such a troubleshooting mission that I thought I would create this article for anyone else who is interested in making this connection work.
NOTE: This will only work if you have a premium / paid wix site.
What motivated us to explore the connection in the first place is that while Wix is a great platform, and if you can wrap your head around a little bit of coding, you can get it to do a lot.
But as much as Wix would like you to do everything on their systems, as with many monoliths, there are some things that it just can't do as well as you would like or perhaps offer the flexibility to do and, more importantly, you may not want to give up more lock-in potential.
With our London Mountain Film Festival. We needed to extract information from Wix and make it available to other systems, so we were happy to find that, our chosen process orchestration platform, had an inbuilt connection.
But things are never that simple; it was a mission to get it to work. We eventually got there with the help of the support teams at Make and Wix.
To save someone else endless frustration, I wanted to share the steps, particularly the minor nuances of what needs to be done.
Step by Step Walk Through
This step-by-step video explains how to connect your Wix website with using the Wix connector. For this, you need a custom app on Wix, which controls access and permissions.
The official documentation from Make mentions two key steps.
1 — Create a custom application in Wix
2 — Establish the connection in Make
They are correct. However, the most important element of making the connection work is creating the custom application in Wix in a very specific order and following the exact steps; without this, the connection fails.
Creating the APP on Wix
Go to your Wix studio dashboard and select Custom Apps
Now select Create New App build from scratch.
Next, select Self-Hosted.
Hit Get Started.
Give your app a name (optional but much neater)
Now, set the permissions.
For the default functions of the integration, you will need the following permissions, which are listed on the documentation
Wix Stores: Manage Products, Manage Orders
Wix Chat: Manage Chats
Wix Cashier: Read Payments
Coupons: Manage Coupons
Marketing: Read Form Submissions
Click Add permissions
Search for relevant permissions and save them when you are done.
NOTE: You do not need all the permissions in the documentation to make the connection work; the next step is key to making that happen. I discuss this at the end of my video walkthrough.
Once you are done, you must do the following:
Key Step 1 — Test your APP
Important: Do not add the callback URLs specified in the documentation just yet.
Select Test Your App and then Dashboard.
Select Test App on this warning screen.
On the next screen, select the site you want to create the connection with if you have more than one site.
Select Add to Site.
Now Agree and Add. Your app may have different permissions, but in essence, this is where you give this app the main permissions of what it and, therefore, can access.
Now click View All Apps and make sure your app is shown on your site's dashboard.
You are not done yet!!!
Key Step 2 — Go back to your Wix App
Select OAuth.
Open the advanced OAuth Panel.
Now add the App URL and Redirect URL as shown here. As per the documentation here:
IMPORTANT: DO NOT add these before you go through the Test App steps as described in Key Step 1; things will not work if you do that.
Now are you heady to head over to
In go to your scenario or start a new one.
Select The Wix module and click Add in the connection box.
You will see a screen where you can add the App ID and App Secret
These are the values you get from Wix, and you can see them on the OAuth screen from the earlier step.
Add them in here and hit save
Now, select the site you used in your earlier testing step. Key Step 1.
Agree to the permission on the next screen.
You are now connected!!
If this last step fails in, you probably missed adding the callback URLs, as shown in Key Step 2.
The other reason is that you did not perform the Key Step 1 without the callback URLs — as you can do it with them populated but that does not ‘work’
Adding Further Permissions
If you want to add new permission, you have.
- Uninstall the app from your site. Do this within your production site dashboard.
- Add the new permissions
- Go through all the steps from Key Step 1 again
I have chosen to go a bit over the top in breaking down the steps for one main reason. Most people wanting to use a tool like Make are non-technical, and I did not want to assume what I call perceived clarity through jargon. Hope this helps.